Jesus, manna

By Roy Stetler
August 4, 2024

Having delivered the Hebrew slaves from bondage in Egypt (Exodus), God then provides them daily manna for their journey in the wilderness. Later, John the Gospel writer re-envisions manna in terms of Jesus, the bread of life. All that we need, we find in Jesus. Our deepest spiritual hunger and thirst are satisfied by the grace, wisdom, and healing mercy of Christ. That is the pattern of the life of faith. God provides, we trust.
Life’s work certainly keeps us active, but our work is a gift of God which allows us to share. As we discipline our minds and habits by meditation, prayer, fellowship, and rest, we learn by faith to trust in God’s provision rather than by instinct to fear scarcity. Such life-giving habits set us free to live in hope.
This is our faithful response to Jesus, the bread of life. Thanks be to God!