Our History
It is remarkable to consider the long history of our congregation, as it indeed had its birth in the same year that closed the French and Indian War. In that same year by the terms of the Treaty of Paris, Great Britain acquired Canada and all the French possessions east of the Mississippi including the Spanish territory of Florida. Spain acquired all French land west of the Mississippi. This congregation had its beginning decades before the first bicycle was invented and nearly a hundred years before the first railroad was put into use in this country. Equipment and devices such as the automobiles, steamboats, typewriters, steel pens, radios, television, telephones, computers and many of the countless devices and luxuries which today are common place items were unheard of by the founders of the congregation. Our congregation has lived through all the wars, both mainland and foreign, in which our Nation has engaged since the French and Indian War. It has endured its struggles and hardships of the Revolutionary War and Civil War. It has experienced such eventful occasions in American history as the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, the VersaillesTreaty, the founding of the League of Nations and the organization of the United Nations. It has truly come all the way from the horseback age into the age of space and nuclear power. It has, in fact, experienced every phase of events that has made our Nation the greatest on the face of the earth.
The History of Quickel Evangelical Lutheran Church 1763 to 2013
The Rev. Nicholas Hornell became the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in York in October of 1763, and at the same time he began to serve our congregation. It i sfrom this information that the year 1763 was established as the beginning of Quickel Evangelical Lutheran Congregation. During this time and until the pastorate of the Rev. C .J. Deininger the congregation was a part of the Spring Garden Charge. Pastor Deininger is referred to as the‘founder of Quickel’s Charge’. The first authentic records of Quickel Evangelical Lutheran Church (1) are contained in a baptismal register dated 1765. The first baptism recorded is that of Maria Barbara Weyer, dated April 9, 1765. Three other baptisms appear on the record during this same year. The record is in German script with Latin headings, which would indicate that they must have been kept by the pastor since the members of the congregation were predominantly German. The record, however, does not indicate whether the date used is the date of birth or the date of baptism, and not until 1766 does the word ‘born’ appear in the baptismal register. It is assumed that the dates in the beginning of the register refer to the date of baptism rather than the date of birth. It is believed that the first meetings of the congregation were held in the homes of the early German settlers in the community until the middle of the year 1767. At this time a stone school house was built on lands owned by Frederck Eicholtz, Ludwig Weir and Henry Shank, west of Mt Washington Church. This school house then became the seat of worship for the early congregation. Worshippers came great distances by foot and horseback, which were practically the only means of travel at that time, to assemble for services in the school house. Soon the school house was considered too far west of the center of population and the congregation outgrew the facilities of the school house. These motivating factors induced the building of a new church building. In 1770, on land acquired from Michael Quickel and his wife Barbara, the first church building was erected. Obviously it is from this source that our congregation acquired the name of‘Quickel’. The following is a description of this building as written by the Rev. Dr. Adam Stump and published in March 1911 issue of the ‘Parish Telephone ’which he edited. “It was made of logs and was weather-boarded. It was not made as big as the present building, but was a galleried church. Its longest side faced the road. The gable ends faced eastward and westward. The west end had five windows; two for the room below, two for the gallery and one in the gable. The east end had four windows and a door, which opened to the stairway to the men’s gallery. The side facing the road had four windows for the gallery; and three windows and a door, which was used by the women, were for the lower floor. There was no bell tower and no organ loft. On the inside the Goblet-pulpit with its spiral stairway was on the side toward the creek. The preacher was perched as in a swallow’s nest set against the wall. Four windows on that side admitted light. The walls and ceiling on the inside were plastered. To the preacher’s right was the old women’s corner and to his left sat the elders and deacons. In front of the pulpit was the altar railing with its gates and communion table. Facing the pulpit were two rows of seats or wooden benches, with an isle between them. Above were the three sides of gallery seats, as at present.” The photo shown is an architect’s conception of the appearance of this building, derived from this type of architecture from this period and created by Robert McAlarney, Registered Architect of York, PA. The records indicate that in 1793 this building was enlarged, but details are not available pertaining to the enlargement. This building housed the congregation in its worship and various services for eighty years, when it was replaced by the present building in 1850. The story is told that the more progressive members of the church felt the need for a new building, with better facilities, but they were opposed by the more conservative group in the congregation. In order to persuade the conservative members into building a new church building, they placed large poles against the old building, supposedly to support the structure, and bemoaned the decrepit condition of the old building. After several weeks of this kind of treatment and trickery the support of the majority of the membership finally prevailed and a new building was erected. It is the same building used for worship today, and to which additions and improvements have been made. The building originally was without a bell-tower, bell or steeple. Thirty-one years later, 1881, the building was remodeled and spire and bell-tower with a bell weighing about 1500 pounds were the major items of the remodeling. Financial records show that entire cost of this remodeling was approximately $650.00 of which $417.95 represented the cost of the bell alone. The dedicatory service for this occasion was held on July 10, 1881. At a special congregational meeting called on July 18, 1909 the congregation approved the building of a new sexton house to be erected on the same site as the old sexton house which was to be demolished. There are no records as to the date the first sexton house was erected, however, the financial records indicate that in 1877 a well was dug at that location. The new sexton house was to be twenty-eight by thirty feet of frame construction with a casing of a single course of pressed brick and a slate roof. This house was dedicated at a special service of dedication on April 3, 1910. It served as the dwelling house for the sexton and caretaker until December, 1959, when Mr. George Fink retired as sexton of the church. In 1960 the sexton house was purchased by Mr. Luther Lehr who had the building removed from the church property to a location about a quarter of a mile toward Manchester along the Manchester-Zion View Road on the south side of the road, where it is now used as a private residence. During the first one hundred years of the present building many changes both minor and major were made to the building and surrounding property. The whitewashedpicket fence that surrounded the church and theold whitewashed board fence that enclosed the oldgraveyard were removed. The hitching posts and shelter sheds were removed to make way for the automobile age. Electric lights were installed in 1920. During the late 1920’s the old graveyard across the road from the present church was cleaned of bushes, sumac, and other obnoxious weeds and brushes, the gravestones placed in straight lines and the burial ground was seeded with lawn seed and converted into a spot of beauty. In 1926 the church building had undergone a major renovation and face-lift. This included the installation of new floors, pews and the relocation of the old pulpit. The old pulpit was located at the front wall of the church. It was a desk-like arrangement, elevated and accessible by two flights of stairs leading to the pulpit from both ends. In the front of the pulpit was the altar area surrounded by the altar rail, around which the members gathered to partake of the Holy Sacrament of Communion. On each side of the Altar area were bench-like pews erected in a perpendicular position with the pews in the main sanctuary. This renovation changed the entire front of the church and pulpit area. The entire altar area was elevated approximately three feet above the main floor and a movable pulpit was placed in use. The pews on both sides of the old Altar were removed and small rooms erected in their places. These rooms were used as meeting places for the Church Councils and for various other meetings. The Sunday School utilized them for infant and primary rooms during the Sunday School period. This renovation also included the redecorating of the entire interior of the building. In November of 1937 Stained-glass memorial windows were installed to replace the previous plain glass windows. In the Spring of 1944 Pastors McCarney of the Lutheran Congregation and Olewiler of the Reformed Congregation and Elmer Fink, superintendent of the Sunday School, held a meeting on a Sunday afternoon at the parsonage to discuss and formulate plans for establishing a Building Fund. There were no specific plans at this time for any construction of a new building or an addition. It was felt that since this was during World War II, when appliances, automobiles, etc. were unavailable for purchase, and since many people were getting more money than they knew how to spend, it would be an ideal time to create a fund for future expansion. The plans were submitted to the separate Councils and were unanimously approved by these bodies. Later they were submitted to the Sunday School and it too voted approval. A Building Fund Committee was formed, comprising nine persons; two to be appointed by each of the Councils, two by the Sunday School, and the two pastors and Sunday School Superintendent. Funds for the building fund account were raised by individual and organizational subscriptions and donations, Sunday School Rallies and third pocket in the envelope. In 1946 an addition to the old building was under serious consideration. An architect, Mr. Harry Lenker, was employed and plans, specifications and drawings were prepared. The plans first proposed by the architect called for an extension to the old building to be in the same height, and having two floors and a basement. This type of addition was not well received by the Committee nor the Councils. However, in September, 1946, the plans were submitted to both congregations and the Sunday School, and met with disapproval by all three of these organizations. New plans and drawings were prepared by the architect and were approved by both congregations and the Sunday School in April, 1947. The result of this brought into being the annex to the church building in use today. During this same year a new Furst Organ, designed and built by Furst Organ Co. of York, PA was installed. Dedication services were held on September 7, 1947. The Dedication Address was delivered by Dr. D.F. Putnam, Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Gettysburg, PA at the 2:30 P.M.service. The evening service was a Choir and Organ Praise service, featuring the Salem Union Church Choir of Jacobus and an organ recital by Mr. Paul Hildebrand. On June 4, 1950, in the one-hundredth anniversary year of the erection of the original building, a Ground-breaking service was conducted.The Rev. Dr. Gerald G. Neely, then pastor of Christ Lutheran Church of York, PA, was the principal speaker. By this time the Building Fund was in excess of $12,000.00. On October 13th of the same year, a cornerstone laying service was conducted, with the Rev, Dr. Allen S. Meck, President of the Theological Seminary of Lancaster, PA as the principal speaker. During the time of the renovations, the rooms under the balcony, no longer necessary, were removed. It was during that time when the Rev. C. Guy Stambach painted the picture in back of the altar. Services for the Dedication of the new addition, carpeting and redecoration of the existing building were held on November 18 and 25, 1951. the addresses of Dedication were given by the Dr. Harry Baughman, President of the Gettysburg Lutheran Theological Seminary, and the Rev. Robert Olewiler, Pastor of the Grace Reformed Church,Washington, D.C. The total cost of the new construction and renovations and remodeling to the existing building was in excess of $ 52,000.00. Early history reveals that the Reformed congregation, which owned jointly with the Lutheran congregation the property and facilities, was organized in the year 1767. This union relationship continued until 1957. For several years prior to 1957, during the pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Hoover, many ideas were expressed and discussions held concerning the possible merger of the two congregations, and if this could not be affected then a fair means of dissolution would be sought. In 1956 the decision to dissolve the union relationship was made. This movement was based mainly on the fact that Quickel Lutheran congregation, having attained a membership of 485 communing members, considered it wise to have its own services every Sunday. Through a series of meetings between the Councils and with high officials of both Synods the date of actual dissolution was set. On May 26, 1957 the last union service was scheduled. The consideration agreed upon by both congregations was approximately $24,000.00 to be paid by the Lutheran congregation to the Mercersburg Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Having made this payment the Lutheran congregation became the owner of all church property and facilities.The majority of the members of the Reformed congregation united with the Evangelical and Reformed Church of Starview, PA. Others affiliated themselves with other congregations. For many years Quickel Lutheran Church was associated with other churches, among which was St. Paul (Wolf ’s) Lutheran Church, in what was then known as the Spring Garden Charge. During the pastorate of the Rev. C. J. Deininger (1852-1885) Quickel Lutheran Church and St. Paul (Wolf ’s) Lutheran Church disassociated themselves from the others churches and united with the newlyorganized Mt. Zion Lutheran Church (1852) andSalem (Paradise) Lutheran Church in what then became known as Quickel’s Charge. This union relationship of the four churches continued until 1922, when Wolf ’s and Salem dropped from the Charge and the union association between Quickel and Mt Zion continued. In 1955 Mt Zion congregation made a proposal to Quickel congregation for the dissolution of the jointure. At a special meeting of the Quickel Evangelical Lutheran Council held on July 20, 1955, the terms of the proposal were discussed and approved by the Council to be submitted for congregational ratification on August 28, 1955. The Resolution to dissolve the Charge was submitted for voting on the stated date, at a Congregational meeting, and the dissolution was approved, to become effective on December 31, 1955. Now for the first time in the long history of Quickel Lutheran Church it began to operate as a single unit. Under the terms of the dissolution agreement Quickel obtained possession of the parsonage located at 1888 Susquehanna Trail, North York, PA. This was the first time in the history of the congregation that it owned a parsonage of its own. Its ownership, however, was short-lived. On February 12, 1956, just a month and a half after acquiring it, it was sold to Phoebe E. Neiman for the consideration of $14,000.00. The erection of a new parsonage soon became the topic of discussion. Shortly after the sale of the parsonage the Council presented to the congregation a proposal for the building of a new parsonage. The congregation voted approval. However, at this time no further action was taken as it was deemed wise to wait until the Lutheran-Reformed dissolution had been consummated. Instead, a property located on the Emigsville hill (in York, RD 5) was purchased from the estate of Paul Charleston by congregational action on August 5, 1956. The consideration paid for the property was $18,000.00. Pastor and Mrs. Roy L. Yund were the first to occupy the newly acquired parsonage. (1) The church has commonly been referred to during the years as Zion Kirche, The German Lutheran Church (Kirche), Quickel’s Lutheran Church, Quickel’s German Lutheran Society. The official name, however, is “Quickel Evangelical Lutheran Church” having been so named by the Articles of Incorporation dated August 13, 1956. In 1960 a move to build a new parsonage in the church yard adjacent to the Church gained more and more momentum. A proposal was presented by the Council to the congregation for approval of erecting a new parsonage at a cost not to exceed $25,000.00 or remodel the existing sexton house and convert it into a parsonage also not to exceed $25,000.00. The congregation approved the removal of sexton house and the erection of a new parsonage on the site. The parsonage was completed in the early part of 1961 and dedicated on April 23, 1961. Pastor and Mrs. Yund also were the first to occupy the new parsonage. The early growth of our congregation was quite rapid. In 1797 the membership was 103, and by 1886 it had grown to 425 communicant members. This may be more easily understood when we consider that at the time of the organization of Quickel Lutheran Church the only other Lutheran churches in York County were the following: St. Matthew Lutheran, Hanover, PA (1732), Christ Lutheran, York, PA (1733), Canadochly Lutheran (1733), Paradise(Holtzschwamm) (1745), St. James Lutheran, south of Hanover near the Maxon-Dixon Line (1750), Friedensaal’s Lutheran, Springfield Township nearSeven Valleys (1752), St. Paul Lutheran , NorthCodorus Township (1754), Salem (Strayers) near Dover (1754), St. Jacob’s (Stone Church) Jefferson (1756), and St. Paul’s (Wolf’s) organized in 1763. This rapid growth is also a testimonial to the will, faith and determination of its members in the discharge of their Christian duties. Since the population during the early period of our congregation was all German, sermons and services were conducted in the native tongue (German). Catechatical instruction was also given in the German language. By October, 1890, when the Rev. Dr. Adam Stump became the pastor of the congregation two-thirds of all services, except for the singing, was in German. The use of the German language was discontinued before the close of the ministry of Dr. Stump, probably around 1912. Old records reveal that for years our congregation has engaged in social activities, such as congregational fellowship suppers, picnics, and other social functions. This practice continues today. Several of these affairs were given in honor of persons who have rendered long and faithful service to the church. On February 2, 1957, a fellowship supper in the form of a covered dish social was held to honor Mr. George Fink, who at that time had completed his thirtieth year as church sexton. This affair was sponsored jointly by the Lutheran and Reformed Congregations. In the fall of 1961 a similarfunction was held in honorof Mrs. Burnelle Baker on the occasion of having served as church pianist and organist for thirty-three years and also for her long and faithful service in the Sunday School and as director of the choir. This was in the form of a“This Is Your Life” program and recalled highlight experiences and events in the life of Mrs. Baker. Another program, in 1975, added the Annie Brenner Narthex and redesigned the chancel. The altar was moved away from the wall to become “free-standing”. The chandeliers were also installed. Late in 1982, a new two manual, thirteen-rank M.P. Moller Opus 11601 organ, replacing the Furst organ, was installed at a cost of $80,000.00. It was installed on the balcony level, over the Narthex and to the rear of the Nave following renovations to accommodate the organ, wind chest, pipes and the choir. The 13 ranks are composed of 61 pipes each for a total of 793 individual pipes plus 1½ octaves of chimes. A zimbelstern was added in 1991 in memory of Lowell Murphy. The organ is currently insured for $260,000 or $20,000 per rank replacement value. During 1987 and 1988, paint was removed from the bricks of the Church building, after which the building was pointed and the bricks were treated with silicone. All exterior and interior woodwork was refinished, the stained glass windows were leaded and permanently protected, and an entrance ramp was built for the handicapped. The carpet was replaced, pew cushions were purchased and the stained glass windows (removed during the 1950renovations) were installed as shadow boxes on either side of the altar at balcony level. In 2001 a new slate roof (slate was shipped from Wales) was installed. A computer program was purchased for the Treasurer and the Secretary in that year as well. In 2002 Council approved installation of air conditioning in the Parish House. Also in that year, Quickel became internet accessible (Quickel@comcast.net).In 2003 and 2004 renovations of the church and parsonage took place. The Social Hall Sunday School rooms were removed, the ceiling lowered, doors were replaced and the floors were refinished. New lighting was installed and all was repainted. Thus it became a Fellowship Hall, Library, Sacristy and handicap bathroom on the first floor. The basement was carpeted and a Nursery Room was installed. A handicap ramp was erected entering the Library and a chair-lift was installed to create easy access between the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. The Parsonage became the Parish House with three large classrooms in the basement. An outside stairway was built to enter the basement. The first floor consists of a game/computer room, a prayer/spiritual room, large conference room, and offices for the Secretary and Pastor. A handicap ramp was installed entering the rear of the house. A new heating system was installed, as well as new lighting throughout the building. New sidewalks were made connecting the Church and the Parish House. A new building was erected across the street from the Parish House for storage of the lawn mowers. Also in 2004, Council approved covering the exterior wood items on the Church and the wood on the bell tower with aluminum at a cost of $12,700.00. The stained glass “Welcome” transoms removed during the renovations in 1975 were sold and later purchased by Howard and Mary Fetrow. They then donated them to the church in 2005 and were once again installed above the doors in the Narthex. In 2009, the church website domain was approved. Quickel Lutheran.com. Also in 2009 Quickel members voted overwhelmingly to hire the firm ofR. R. Kling & Sons to design and install a geothermal heating and cooling system to replace the current aging heating system and, with thoughts for the future, to plan for year round comfort for congregation members with an eye on energy efficiency. This system consists of seven 300 feet deepbores with geothermal loop pipes installed in each well. The earth has a tremendous capacity for storing thermal energy which can be utilized to heator cool a building. The system was completed in 2011 and will offer lower maintenance costs, durability and energy conservation in the future.
Picnic Grove
The Quickel Picnic Grove, comprising of 29.79 acres, conveyed by John H. Emirch and his wife Ida on May 3, 1955, to the Ministers, Elders and Church Wardens of the German Lutheran and German Reformed Congregations of Quickel Church. On this tract a spacious pavilion with kitchen and facilities, and a large bandstand was erected. A portion of the tract was planted with maple trees. The park was used by the Church, Sunday School and other organizations of the Church for the holding of picnics, Easter Sunrise Services and other social functions. It was also available to outside organizations on a rental basis. In 1996, after discussing the pros and cons of maintaining the Picnic Grove, it was decided that a letter be sent to the Congregation regarding the recommendation from Council to sell the PicnicGrove. In 1997, after approval from the Congregation, Council proceeded with the solicitation of private sealed bids for the sale of the Picnic Grove. Later that year, Council accepted the bid from Laurie Lohss for$165,000. All the proceeds from the Picnic Grove Fund were then transferred to the Building Fund.
Quickel’s Church Cemetery
We have no specific date as to the beginningof the graveyard at Quickel’s, but we would have to assume that it must have had its beginning as early as, or perhaps even prior to, the organization of the church in 1763. Markers indicate burials of persons who died in the late 1700’s. The so-called “New” Cemetery was begun in the early part of 1900, and the first corpse buried on it was an infant. The consecration ceremony was conducted on Ascension Day, 1901. In 1927, a Trust Fund was created to provide for the maintenances of the old graveyards and perpetual care of lots on the “New” Cemetery. The account was funded by donations from friends and families of persons buried on the old graveyards. Perpetual care was provided on the “New” Cemetery by lot owners paying twenty dollars per lot into the Trust Fund. Earnings from the Trust Fund are used for graveyard maintenance and lot care. Until the time of the dissolution of the Lutheran and Reformed relationship, the Cemetery Association was an affiliate of the congregations and subject to their control and supervision. On August 27, 1957, a Deed between The Ministers, Elders and Church Wardens of the German Lutheran and German Reformed Congregations of Quickel’s Church and the Trustees of the Cemetery Association conveyed to the Cemetery Association certain tracts of land including the present graveyards and cemetery and land set aside for burials purposes. On February 17, 1958, Application for Charter of Quickel’s Church Cemetery was approved by the Court of Common Pleas of York County. The Cemetery Association was incorporated as Quickel’s Church Cemetery, and now operates as an independent entity. The Corporation is to be under the management and control of nine directors and a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. On February, 24, 1958 a new (correcting) deed was issued by Quickel Evangelical Lutheran Church to Quickel’s Church Cemetery. After receiving enough donations, a stonemarker at the entrance from Copenhaffer Road was erected by Richard Jacoby, a member of the church, in 1952.
Johann Michael Quickel a Brief History
Born July 20, 1721 in Germany, Michael was the youngest of three brothers. He and his brothers Johann Phillip and Johann George, arrived in Philadelphia in 1736 on the ship Brigantine John. They first settled in Lancaster County where Michael married and remained until 1763, at which time he purchased land in what is now Conewago Township. He was a father, farmer, teacher and soldier. It is said by family that he often taught young people to read and understand the Bible and in 1770 he and his wife Barbara sold 2 acres and 47 perches of land to a group of trustees for the purpose of building a church. For this land the trustees agreed to pay a modest price of 40 shillings which at that time was about the price of a good saddle. Michael also requested that his wife Barbara “shall peacefully during her life have and enjoy one seat or pew in the church built on this land”. Later in 1776, as a Captain, Michael led a group of volunteer infantry to Philadelphia to assist in the Revolutionary War effort as documented by a record book kept by Captain Quickel and a Muster Roll that is now in the care of the York Heritage Trust. Johann Michel Quickel died on December 18, 1787 and is buried in the old cemetery across Canal Road from the present church. His tombstone was carved by his son, John. The inscription is done in German and when translated, it reads “Here rests Michael Quickel. He was born in the year 1721, July, 20, and died in the year 1787, December 18, at the age of 66 years, four months three weeks and two days”.
The Pastors of Quickel’s Lutheran Church
Concurrently, from 1763 to 1807, the pastors at Christ Lutheran Church, York, Pa., also served at Quickel Lutheran Church. Thus it was that the fifth pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, the Rev. Nicholas Hornell, who was ordained at Lunden, Sweden, organized the work at Quickel Lutheran Church in 1763. Pastor Hornell served at Hoors in the Province of Schonen, Sweden, before coming to America. Here he married Anna, the widow of Thomas Davis in May, 1764, and continued serving Quickel Lutheran Church until 1765.
Pastor Bager served Quickel Lutheran Church during the same time he was Pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, York, PA. He was born at Nassau-Saarbruck, Germany on March 29, 1725, where his father was a Lutheran pastor. He married Anna Elizabeth Schwab and they had two children one of whom died immediately before their sailing to America. A third child was born at Quittopohilla Creek, Lebanon County, Pa. The Bagers had many descendants in this area, one of whom was the Rev.Henry L. Baugher. Pastor Bager died on his farm near Hanover Pa. on June 9, 1791.
The third pastor at Quickel Lutheran Church was the Rev. John Nicholas Kurtz who was born in 1722 at Lutzellinden, in the Principality of Nassau Weilburg, Germany. In 1744, he came to America to work as a catechist under Dr. Muhlenberg. Pastor Kurtz was ordained at the first meeting of the Pennsylvania Ministerium at Lancaster, PA, August 15, 1748. During his pastorate, the important events and decisions of the Revolutionary War took place. In his parsonage in York, Rev. Kurtz gathered clothing and supplies to be distributed to the soldiers in the various military installations. Pastor Kurtz died in 1789 while visiting his son, the Rev. J. Daniel Kurtz, in Baltimore, MD.
REV. JACOB GOEBRING Associate Pastor 1783-1789, Pastor 1789-1809
The Rev. Jacob Goehring was the first pastor of Quickel Lutheran Church to have been born in the American Colonies. He was born in Chanceford Township, York County, June 17, 1755. The Rev. Goehring studied under Dr. Helmuth o fLancaster, was licensed to preach in 1776 and was ordained in York. In 1782 four years after the death of his first wife, he married Elizabeth Kurtz, daughter of Pastor John Nicholas Kurtz, and together the two pastors, father-in-law and son-in-and was ordained in 1848. In 1853 he assumed charge of the Spring Garden Pastorate in Pennsylvania which included: Zion Church (Quickel); Salem Church (Paradise); Mt. Zion (Spring Garden Township) organized by him; Wolf’s Church; Salem Church (Springfield Township) organized by him. He also served Quickel church from 1783 to 1789. In 1789 Pastor Goehring assumed full time pastoral duties until his death November 27, 1809.
REV. JOHN GEOR GE SMUCKER D.D.Associate Pastor 1791-1793
Pastor 1809-1842 The Rev. Johann George Schmucker was born in Michaelstadt, Germany, August 18, 1771, the son of Johann Christoph Schmucker. While working on his father’s farm John felt called to become a minister, and after coming to the United States he studied under his pastor, the Rev. Paul Henkel, New Market, Virginia. While accompanying Pastor Henkel on missionary tours through Ohio and Kentucky he was attacked and chased by Indians. Nevertheless John completed his instruction in 1792, was licensed, ordained and called to serve several York County churches including Quickel Church. He married Elizabeth Gross and they had five sons and seven daughters. Elizabeth died in 1819. Pastor Schmucker later married Anna Marie Hoffman and fathered seven more children. Pastor Schmucker was the first of a long lineof Lutheran pastors and the Schmucker family was destined to become prominent in the Lutheran Church of America. His son, Dr. S. S. Schmucker, founded the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa. Later in life he went by John George Smucker. On October 7, 1854, Pastor John G. Schmucker died and his remains were interred in front of Christ Lutheran Church, York, PA.
Rev. German was born in Womelsdorf, Germany September 16, 1798. He studied privately and after he was examined was received into the Synod. He served several churches in Germany before coming to America. It is written of him that he was a tallman, but not robust in body, rather weak, and ailing much. His pastorate was short, his administrations often interrupted by sickness, and yet he is kindly remembered for his self-sacrificing work.
Son of the Rev. George Lochman and Susan Lochman, Dr. Lochman was born October 5, 1802 in Lebanon, Pa. He was pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, York, Pa. from 1836 to 1880. Dr. Lochman was a member of the first Board of Directors of Gettysburg College in 1832 and the College granted him his D.D. degree in 1856. Dr. Lochman died in 1881 at York, PA.
Pastor Deininger was the son of the Rev. A.G. Deininger who for fifty-one years served as pastor in York and Adams Counties. Constantine was born August 30, 1822 at the “Loop” in Center County, Pa., and spent his boyhood in East Berlin, Adams County. He entered Gettysburg College in 1840, graduated from the Seminary in 1846, organized: Manchester Church in 1857; Seven Valley’s in 1878; Stoverstown in 1882.
REV. J. HENRY LEESER 1885-1890
Very little is recorded concerning Pastor Leeser except that he was the pastor during the five year interim between two outstanding pastors, the Rev. Deininger and Dr. Adam Stump. He was remembered, however, for his special work with children, conducting a special Children’s Day Service each summer to which he invited children’s groups from many other areas. Catechetical classes were held every other year and the session lasted a whole day at a time.
REV. ADAM STUMP D.D.1890-1922
Rev. Adam Stump came to Quickel Church from North Patte Nebraska, where he had been pastor from 1885 to 1890. There his work was largely with pioneer settlers and often encountered Indian resistance. His first funeral there was a victim of a gunfight.“Buffalo Bill” (William Cody) and his family attended Dr. Stump’s church and helped to finance the building of the church. The two remained lifetime friends and it is reported (York Dispatch,February 28, 1953) that every time “Buffalo Bill’s” circus came to York the Stump Family had personal complimentary tickets. The charge under Dr. Stump included four congregations-Quickel, Wolf ’s, Paradise, and Mt. Zion. His faithful work is reflected in a well arranged, printed, eight-page, monthly paper called“The Parish Telephone” which contains accounts of interesting experiences at Quickel Church. In 1922 Dr. Stump died after 32 years of faithful work here.
REV. J.C. MCCARNEY 1922-1944
Pastor McCarney was born June 22, 1876, at Arendtsville, Pa., the son of John D. and Susan Oyler McCarney. He attended the Academy, College and Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa., was licensed and ordained in 1904, and served the Goldsboro-York Haven charges and the Friedens charge, Somerset County, before coming to the Quickel Lutheran Church in 1922. On May 16, 1906, he married Miss Beulah R.Miller. He died November 8, 1946. Many of the greatest changes in the history of the old church were made during Rev. McCarney’s pastorate.
Dr. Hoover was a native of York County, attended Gettysburg College and seminary, as well as Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa., from which he received his Doctor of Sacred Theology in 1951. Pastor Hoover was ordained in Allentown, Pa., on May 20, 1942, and served the Rossville charge from 1942 to 1944 before coming to Quickel Church in October,1944. It was during his pastorate that the Quickel-Mt. Zion charge was dissolved in 1955. Dr. Hoover and his family then resided in Milton, Pa., where he was the Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church. He died July 9, 1985.
REV. ROY L. YUND, S.T.M. 1956-1963
Rev. Roy L. Yund and Mrs. Yund came to Quickel Church after Easter in 1956. Pastor Yund was educated in the public schools at New Kensington, Pa., Gettysburg College Theological Seminary, Temple University and the Graduate School at the University of Pittsburgh. Both Pastor and Mrs.Yund attended a Special Medical course for missionaries at Livingstone College, London, England, prior to their missionary assignment in Liberia, Africa. Pastor Yund served in home missionaries under the Board of American Missions at Merchantville and Westville, New Jersey, as well as churches in Worthington and Sipesville Pennsylvania. During World War II he served as a Chaplain in the Army and Air Force, and in the Veterans Administration. During his pastorate, the dissolution of the Quickel Union Church was realized in 1957. InDecember, 1957, Pastor Yund, accompanied by Mr.David Quickel appeared in the York County Courts to represent Quickel Lutheran Church in the final legal step of the dissolution of Quickel Union Church. Pastor Yund died July 14, 1972.
REV. JOHN L. KUGLE 1964-1978
Rev. John Leon Kugle was born January 22, 1932, in York, Pa. He received his Bachelor of Science at Elizabethtown College in 1954. He graduated from Gettysburg Seminary in 1958. He was ordained in 1958 in Fort Louden, New Oxford. Rev. Kugle died September 26, 1999.
No longer a rostered clergy person.
REV. GORDON FOLKEMER Interim Pastor 1986-1987
Rev. Gordon Folkemer was born August 8, 1918 in Baltimore, MD. He graduated from Baltimore City College with an AB and Gettysburg College with a BA. He attended Gettysburg Seminary in 1944. Hewas ordained by the Maryland Synod in 1944 and served as Assistant Pastor and Pastor at St. Matthews, York. He retired July 1, 1984. Following his retirement he served as interim pastor for eight parishes. He died August 12, 2008.
REV. W. ROBERT KURZ 1987-1997
Rev. Kurz was born January 2, 1932 in Philadelphia, PA. He graduated from Gettysburg College in 1953 and Gettysburg Seminary in 1956. He was ordained in 1956 and served at Roaring Springs, Pennsylvania before coming to Quickel Lutheran Church. He and his wife now reside in Lancaster Pennsylvania.
REV. RICHARD JONES Interim Pastor 1997-1999
Rev. Richard Jones was born November 1, 1933. He attended Gettysburg College in 1955 and graduated from Gettysburg Seminary with a Bachelor of Divinity in 1958. He was ordained May 25, 1958 by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania at Easton, PA. He served as Pastor in five different parishes and retired in 1995.
REV. ANN DENTRY1999-2000
Rev. Ann Dentry is currently a rostered clergy person in the MD-DE Synod on leave from call for graduate study.
Rev. Cynthia Chambers was born December 12, 1950. She graduated from Messiah College in Grantham, Pa, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1992. She graduated from Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg in 1994 with a Master of Arts in Religion. She did post-graduate work at Catholic University, Washington DC. She received a Mastor of Divinity from the Seminary at Gettysburg in 2000. She was ordained November 10, 2000 at St. John Lutheran Church, Shiremanstown, PA. After spending 7 years at Quickel, on December 31, 2012 she retired from her charge in New Oxford, PA.
REV. JOHN FERRA Interim Pastor 2007-2009
Rev. John Ferra was born November 27, 1944. He graduated from Towson State University in 1966 with a Bachelor of Science. He received a Master of Divinity from Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg in 1970. He did post-graduate work at the University of Bridgeport. He was ordained June 1, 1970 at Lutherville, MD by the Maryland Synod. He served eight parishes and retired in 2007.
REV. CARL BENTZ Interim Pastor 2009
Rev. Carl Bentz was born August 13, 1934. He received a Bachelor of Arts from Duke University, Durham, NC in 1956. He received a Master ofDivinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg in 1962 and also a Master of Sacred Theology from the Seminary in 1978. He was ordained March 25,1962 at Advent Lutheran Church in York, PA by the Central Pennsylvania Synod. He served five parishes and retired in 1998.
Rev. Barbara Barry was born on December 19, 1955. Pastor Barry received a Bachelor of Science at Towson State University, a Master of Divinity at Gettysburg Seminary in 2008. She was ordained June 12, 2009 and started her ministry at Quickel’s on June 16, 2009. She has two daughters and a grandson. She was called to Trinity Lutheran in Greencastle, PA , after her last worship service at Quickel’s, January 14, 2018.
Sons of the Congregation
Dr. Fink was born in 1896, son ofEdward J. Fink and Sadie NeimanFink. Dr. Fink was the first that wehave record of to enter into the ministry. In the early part of 1921 ,Dr. Fink and his wife, Fairy, sailed for India, where he served as a missionary for 25 years. After returning to the United States, he served as pastor of churches in New York and Pennsylvania. Dr. Fink died in 1978.
Rev. Doll was born April 12, 1917, son of Nevin and Mabel (Goodyear ) Doll. He was confirmed by the Reverend J.C. McCarney April 8,1934, and under the guidance and influence of Reverend McCarney, entered Gettysburg College in 1934. He received his Bachelor of Arts in 1939, entered the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg and received his Bachelor of Divinity degree. He then took on the challenge of starting a new church in Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania and was ordained in May of 1943. By 1949, the confirmed membership grew to 297. Pastor Doll resigned January 15, 1950. He later served churches in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He retired in 1983,and now resides in Ocean City, New Jersey.
Rev. Sunday was born July 24, 1930, son of Charles, Sr. and Ada Sunday. He served as a minister with the United Brethren Church. He died July 21, 2000.
Rev. Goodyear was born April 18, 1957, son of James L. Sr. and Gloria Goodyear. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management from Eastern University in 2004. In 2010, he received a Masters of Divinity Degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and was ordained April 20, 2011. As of July 31, 2011, he is serving as Pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania and is also working with the youth at Gloria DEI Church, Huntingdon Valley, PA.
Rev. Crawford was born January 4, 1969, son of James and Dorothy Crawford. He is now serving as Pastor of the Greencastle United Methodist Church.
Scott was born April 10, 1962, son of Thomas Sr. and Sundra Heiland. He is serving with the Undenominational Founder of City of Refuge Evangelism Inc. Church/Ministry.
Rev. Frigm was born May 18, 1972, son of Philip and Linda Miller Frigm. He graduated from Gettysburg College in 1994 and the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg in 2010. He is now serving as Associate Pastor for Zion Lutheran Church, Middletown, MD, since May of 2010. He is also Chaplain United States Navy (Reserve Component )September 2010 to present. He is assigned to MEFREL 106, NAF Washington.
Certainly during the two hundred fifty years of the life of our congregation it must have weathered many storms and experienced countless joys. Its long life stands as a testimonial to the will, faith and courage of its members both then and now, and to the consecrated leadership of its Pastors. It is a true confirmation of that oft sung phrase “the church of Jesus constant will remain”. May we, its present members,on this happy and glorious occasion, rededicate ourselves to continuing of the great work which was begun here two and a half centuries ago. And with love, peace, and justice from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit to all mankind, we will go forth planting seeds into the future.