Common Gifts, Extraordinary Use
Jesus, his mother and disciples are enjoying a long wedding reception with music, good food and drink until. . .the wine runs out. At Jesus’ mother’s insistence, servants bring water which he transforms into wine. The servants do the carrying, but Jesus brings the outcome (John 2).
The apostle Paul makes extraordinary transformation, personal (I Corinthians 12). Rather than a miraculous external sign, Paul speaks of inward gifts from God. Talents, abilities, and tasks we have practiced and learned from others. Technical, musical, and relational skills, and practices of hospitality. We have gifts of friendship, encouragement, and enthusiasm for welcoming and serving others.
Recalling past failures and disappointments, we are tempted to disregard our gifts and skills. But thriving congregations and communities depend on each member doing their part.
May we allow the Spirit to transform the bread and water of our gifts into a great miraculous meal to feed those who come close and open themselves to mercy and peace.
Thanks be to God for common gifts blessed by the Spirit for extraordinary use!