A home in the Cross
Jesus taught and healed folks as they were–to be, to become, to live in love. All along, Jesus answered God’s call with a resounding “Yes!” Then, at the cross, he entrusted the outcome of his ministry back to God and to those who were willing to participate. Jesus releases it all, because the time has come for him not only to preach the Good News but to become the Good News. Jesus’ unflinching resolve to trust in compassionate love is the soul of this movement. This is not a struggle to gain power at any cost. Though, through the years, we all have been tempted to make it just that—a declaration that we are on the winning, able side. Today, it is wise to remember that we are truly on the losing side.
The cross is Jesus’ solidarity with those who lose, are conquered, and have no say, because that is always where God is found.
To the extent that we find ourselves joining in that solidarity (among those who lose, are conquered, and have no say) we have a home in the love of the cross.
May we continue to find our souls stretched together with our surrendered Lord, on the cross. Amen.